Wednesday, 17 April 2013

primary research

Here I have some primary research on my characters movements give or take some might be a little different then what the final outcome will be but they will only be slight difference i'm still happy that i'm on track with what I have.

Friday, 5 April 2013

dodge final

The playblast seems a bit fast but hopefully it will come out a bit better in the final editing, here I have the final make of the dodge animation not quite what I had aimed for but none the less i'm pleased with what I have.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

dodge animation

here I have a quick playblast of the dodge animation this is not the finished animation as there is still alot of tweaking to be done

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

walk animation

here is a quick playblast of my walk animation im not sure if it seems a bit fast but i seem to be falling behind on time so i will begin on my dodge animation and have a consultation with sam once term starts again